Present:  Cllr Greaves (Chairman), Cllr Baumber, Cllr Butler, Cllr Clerey, Cllr Southworth, Neil Whalley (Clerk), Cllr Janet Willis (CCC)


1.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr James Airey (SLDC)

2.                 To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 9th November 2009

Minutes approved by the Council and signed by the Chair.

3.                 To receive declarations of interest from the Councillors concerning items on this agenda

None were received

4.                 Report from the Police representative

PCSO Madden reported that incidents of fly tipping are being dealt with; the ongoing issue in Baycliff layby was raised by the Council.  Crime figures for the area have been released: there have been 10 cases of anti-social behaviour, including fly-tipping and noise disturbance but mostly outside the Parish.

PSCO Madden also highlighted the value of reporting even small incidents, such as hearing unusual alarms, to the police on 0845 33 00 247.

5.                 To receive comments from the public (limited to 10 minutes)

Concern regarding hedges on Riddings Lane being cut too low were raised, but the Council felt the issue was beyond their control. 

6.                 Playground Updates, including liaison with Leece Playground Committee

No representatives from Leece Committee were present at the meeting, as requested.  The Council stressed the importance of cooperation and were concerned about insurance and safety issues.  The Clerk is to write to the chairman of the committee expressing the need to work through the Council.

The shed at Baycliff has been insured by the BCA; details are to be passed to the Clerk.

7.                 To consider introducing ‘No Cold Calling’ zones into the Parish

PSCO Madden passed some information from Trading Standards on to the Councillors.  A representative from Trading Standards has agreed to attend the meeting in January 2010; the issue has been postponed until then.

8.                 Parish Plan update

The Committee are putting together the first draft of the final plan.  They hope to have it complete in early 2010.

9.                 To consider current planning applications

The following applications were received this month:


Lane End House, Leece

Single storey rear extension.

No objections



Field known as Lime Kiln off Sunbrick Lane, Baycliff

Agricultural Storage building (part retrospective) 


10.             To receive reports, not included in the above items, from the County and District Councillors

Cllr Airey passed a breakdown of costs for Aldingham toilets on to the Council.  This issue will be raised at January’s meeting.

Cllr Willis reiterated to the Council that some of her budget for local issues will be used in the parish:

§         To improve safety at the Scales/Aldingham cross-roads

§         For chevrons at Scales playground

§         For ‘Please Drive Carefully’ signs at Roosebeck

She also stressed that she will be focussing on highways issues during her first year as Councillor, as that was what appeared to be the most important issue to local people, and asked to be informed of any highways issues that were put forward in future.

11.             Highways Issues and Highways Steward Update

Cllr Willis stressed that money for highways issues was in short supply and that many of the smaller issues are unlikely to be dealt with in the forseeable future.  She suggested getting together in the new year to discuss the issues Aldingham currently has on the waiting list and to assess and prioritise them.  Alternatives may need to be found for some issues.

The problem of communication between the highways deparments, highways stewards and Council was raise again, as noone seems to know when particular tasks have been tackled. 

No information has yet been received regarding the Newbiggin sign, or Baycliff ‘Children Playing’ signs.

12.             To discuss issues arising from the November Local Area Partnership meeting

Cllrs Greaves and Southworth and the Clerk attended this meeting; Cllrs Airey and Willis were also present.  There is some scepticism regarding how the LAPs will work and how effective they will be, but the Council has agreed to continue supporting the process as it may bring about better communication between various levels of government and better management of funds in the local area.

13.             To discuss findings of the Rural Housing Survey

The survey was sent to every household in the Parish in November 2008.  The purpose was to determine how many current residents would require affordable housing within the next five years.  The survey received a 24.2% return rate in the Parish, below the county average of 36.64%.

A total of 7 households were considered in need of afforable housing, 5 within the next 3 years and 2 within the next 5 years.  The Council determined that this need would be covered by new housing already in development.

The survey also highlighted that few people within the Parish are registered with any local housing associations, which would increase their chances of obtaining an affordable house in the area when one became available.  The Council agreed to help improved public awareness of this issue.

14.             To discuss installation of new parish noticeboards

The Clerk will obtain quotes for the installation of all seven new boards.  Information regarding the movement of Scales noticeboard to a position adjacent to the road is to be sought from SLDC and the Church of England, who own the land.

Roosebeck’s noticeboard will be positioned on the shore-side, subject to planning.  Advise is to be sought from SLDC.

15.             To discuss resurfacing of playgrounds

Cllr Southworth obtained a quote for £2,500 to resurface Leece playground with rubber mulch.  It was determined that, as the Council will not be paying for Leece’s resurfacing, there was no need for us to obtain quotes.  The original offer to pay for the wood surrounding the area and for the membrane beneath the surface still stands.

There was some confusion over the quotes for Scales; Cllr Southworth is to review this before the next meeting.

16.             To consider installing a grit bin on Shawfield Road, Baycliff

The Clerk had spoken to Graeme Wheelhouse prior to the meeting and he suggested SLDC will install a grit bin if the Council provide a location.  The top (closed end) of Shawfield Road was agreed.

17.             To consider installing a litter/dog waste bin at Roosebeck

The Council will look into moving the currently unaccessible Council litter bins at Aldingham to Roosebeck.  A location beside the new noticeboard on the shore side was agreed, subject to planning.  The Clerk is to obtain information from SLDC regarding the installation and emptying of the bin.

18.             To authorise payment of accounts

The following payments were authorised by the Council:

H. Armer and Son (2009 grass cutting)                 £10.00

Dendron Church (grass cutting 2009)                   £50.00

Friends of Aldingham Church                                 £50.00

Gleaston Village Hall & Green Committee

(grass cutting and 2 hours hall hire)                       £64.00

No monies were received.  It was agreed that Cllr Butler should pay £5.00 for buying 3 storage boxes from the Council.

19.             To confirm Councillors Clerey and Round as signatories

Cllr Round was absent.  Cllr Clerey was confirmed as a signatory by all members of the Council present.

20.             Correspondence

§         Information regarding the SLDC Local Development Framework, which can now be viewed online

§         Information on the Register of Electors 2010 – an electronic copy of the register has been requested

§         A noticed from SLDC and BT regarding the purchase of Gleaston Phone Kiosk; passed on to Gleaston Village Hall and Green Committee chairman for consideration. 

21.             Confirm all Councillors have completed the Register of Interests

Cllr Clerey was given the original form to comlete and return.  All other Cllrs completed the ‘no change’ form to be returned by the Clerk.

22.             To confirm or change the date of the meeting on 5th April 2010

A bank holiday.  The meeting was rearranged for 12th April 2010.

23.             To receive agenda items for the next meeting

§         Budget review for 2009

§         Appointment of a new councillor

§         Clerk’s report

§         Stones in the layby at Dove Cottage, Old Holbeck

24.             To confirm that the next meeting of Aldingham Parish Council will be held in Gleaston Village Hall on Monday 11th January at 7.15pm
