Present:  Cllr Greaves (Chairman), Cllr Baumber, Cllr Butler, Cllr Clerey, Cllr Park, Cllr Southworth, Neil Whalley (Clerk), Cllr Janet Willis (CCC), Cllr James Airey (SLDC)


1.                 Apologies for absence

None received

2.                 To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 7th December 2009

Amended: Cllr Park’s name had been omitted from the ‘Present’ list.

3.                 Clerk’s report

The Clerk reported progress on the following issues from the previous meeting: i) Baycliff Layby clearance underway thanks to James Airey and Helen Madden; ii) Riddings hedges are not a Council issue; iii) Shawfield Road grit bin: SLDC have been informed of the proposed location; iv) Roosebeck bin: Highways are currently inspecting the site and drawing up a permit; v) Mandate has been completed; vi) Register of Interests forms have been completed and sent in; vi) Skipton Building Society details have not been changed – the Clerk has written to them with current details; vii) Scales playground tree is in; ix) Newbiggin dog litter bin is in; x) Newbiggin bus shelter agreement: there was no formal promise made by CCC to lay a path, it is unlikely they will fund the project in the current financial year.

4.                 To receive declarations of interest from members regarding items on this agenda

None were received

5.                 Report from the Police Representative

PSCO Helen Madden had little to report.  Crime figures for this month have been very low again. 

The problem of vehicles blocking driveways in Gleaston was raised.  PCSO Madden suggested there is little that can be done unless the vehicle is completely blocking the entrance and causing an obstruction.  Persistent cases may be reported for the Police to look into.

6.                 To discuss introducing ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ into the Parish

Catherine Crowe from Trading Standards was present and gave a short presentation on Cold Calling Zones in the area, which are intended to prevent ‘bogus traders’ targetting specific areas.  The scheme must be supported by 75% of residents to go ahead.  The Council decided to pass the information on to individual villages who could then pursue the scheme if support was forthcoming.

7.                 To receive comments from the public – Limited to 10 minutes

None were received.

8.                 Parish Plan update

The first draft of the plan is currently being drawn up and should be nearing completion before the next meeting.

9.                 Playground updates

Zoe Sheeran, chairman of Leece Playground Committee, was present to discuss progress with Leece playground.  The play area is currently closed to the public as there is no safety surface beneath the equipment; an ‘Out of Order’ sign has been posted on the gate.  Both Mrs Sheeran and the Council were impressed with the public support received and progress made so far.  The Council reiterated that it will provide the membrane and wooden surrounds for the mulch and offered suggestions for other sources of funding.

Cllr Baumber obtained 4 telegraph poles for Scales crash barrier.  The Clerk will contact Andrew Thompson to discuss the best method for construction.


10.             To consider current planning applications

No applications or decisions have been received.

11.             Reports from County and District Councillors

Cllr Willis reported that speed monitors may be placed in the Parish and requested suggestions for locations.  These are to be passed to the Clerk.

Cllr Airey reported that he has been receiving numerous complaints regarding dog litter at Newbiggin and Roosebeck.  The dog litter bin at Newbiggin is now installed, which the Council hopes will help the problem in that area.  A new litter bin will soon be installed at Roosebeck.  The Council will review the problem again once these measures have been in place for a while.

12.             Aldingham Toilets

This issue will be postponed till the next meeting.  Aldingham PCC and Cllr Airey will be invited to attend to discuss the next possible step.

13.             Highways Issues and Highways Steward update

Cllr Southworth sent a letter to highways detailing the problems with communication experienced in the past.  He is still awaiting a response. 

The poor state of Riddings Lane was raised, following from comments received during Parish Plan consultation.  The Clerk will contact Cllr Willis to discuss the best way to get the road properly relaid.

The blocked drain at Hunter’s Moon, Newbiggin is still causing problems.  The Clerk will contact the Highways Hotline.

14.             Layby at Dove Cottage, Old Holbeck

A complaint was received regarding stones blocking the layby at Dove Cottage.  The Clerk has so far been unable to ascertain who the land belongs to; the Council will not pursue the issue further until this has been established.

15.             To discuss election of a new Parish Councillor

Following the resignation of Cllr Round, the Council requires a fourth councillor for its south ward, preferably from Leece or Dendron which are currently unrepresented.  Notices have been posted in both villages.  A notice will be placed in the Tarn News and Evening Mail.

16.             Noticeboards

Andrew Thompson offered a quote of £110 to erect five of the noticeboards and remove the old ones.  Roosebeck will require a permit from CCC and planning permission from SLDC, whilst Scales will require permission from the Church of England; both of these will be erected as soon as the appropriate permission has been granted.  The Council agreed that Mr Thompson should erect the first five boards as soon as possible. 

17.             2009/10 Budget Review

Figures are attached to these minutes.  Areas in which expenditure is outstanding include:

§         Parish newsletter:  to be discussed at the next meeting and commenced before the year end

§         Resurfacing of Leece Carpark:  the Council is still waiting for the initial work to be carried out.  It will review the best options for improving the car park once this has been completed.  The Chairman will contact Mr Greaves regarding the work.

§         Scales Crash Barrier:  there is likely to be a significant surplus once the agreed work has been carried out.  The Council agreed in principle that this money could be used to fund resurfacing work in Scales playground.

Spending of other remaining funds will be discussed after the end of this financial year.

18.             Payment of Accounts


            Clerk’s Salary (November and December)             £777.16

            Andrew Thompson (Scales tree)                             £890

            Andrew Thompson (Newbiggin bin)                                   £65

            Simon Taylor (Clerk’s expenses to Aug 09)                        £83.24


            Sale of storage boxes            to Cllr Butler                         £5

19.             Correspondence

§         Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework – Consultations on Site Allocations Policies and Proposals Map:  the Council did not wish to discuss the final proposals further as Cllr Southworth has been sending feedback on the issue throughout.

§         Letter regarding Code of Conduct training for Councillors:  Cllr Clerey wished to attend and agreed to contact SLDC herself.

20.             To receive items for the next agenda

§         New Close, Newbiggin

§         Newsletter

§         Aldingham Toilets

§         Scales barrier and playground surface

§         Dove Cottage layby

21.             To confirm that the next meeting of the Council will take place on Monday 1st February at 7.15pm in Gleaston Village Hall, Gleaston