Present:  Cllr Greaves (Chairman), Cllr Baumber, Cllr Butler, Cllr Park, Cllr Southworth, Neil Whalley (Clerk), Cllr Janet Willis (CCC), Cllr James Airey (SLDC)


1.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies received from Cllr Clerey.

2.                 To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 11th January 2010

Minutes approved by the Council and signed by the Chair.

3.                 Clerk’s Report

Most of work is related below.  Noticeboards have gone up in some villages; the mandate has been approved; the blocked drain at Hunter’s Moon has been reported.

4.                 To receive declarations of interest from the Councillors concerning items on this agenda

None were received

5.                 Report from the Police representative

PSCO Madden was not present.

6.                 To receive comments from the public

It was brought to the Council’s attention that following the digital switchover in September, a number of households have been receiving a poor signal or Welsh TV.  The item will be placed on March’s agenda for discussion.

7.                 Reports from County and District Councillors

Cllr Airey reported that each District Councillor may receive £2000 to spend in their district in the next financial year, coinciding with the LAP.

Cllr Willis brought to the Council’s attention the public consultation regarding the Shoreline Management Plan.  Within Aldingham Parish, the area between Seawood and Seed Hall at Newbiggin is to have ‘No Active Intervention’ for the next 50 years; in the area south of Seed Hall the County Council will ‘Hold the Line’ for the next 20 years and have ‘Managed Realignment’ following that. 

The LAP meeting on Wednesday 3rd February will be attented by the Chairman and the Clerk.

8.                 To discuss the future of Aldingham Toilets as part of SLDC’s Talk Toilets consultation

It was agreed that the toilets are an important facility for visitors, church users and walkers using the Cumbria Coastal Way. 

As an initial step a meeting with Urswick Parish Council was suggested, to discuss the possibility of managing Bardsea and Aldingham Toilets together.  The Clerk will look into this.

The Council will also encourage residents and visitors to take part in the public consultation and will visit the exhibition in March.

9.                 Highways Issues

Problems with communication with the Highways Steward were raised again.  The Council agreed to produce a list of jobs required with grid references via Cllr Southworth and Cllr Willis will look into the issue again.

10.             To consider current planning applications



Canterbank Farm, Leece

Agricultural Workers Dwelling

No objection


Kirkbeck, Gleaston

Replacement Garage


*The Council felt there were too many unresolved issues regarding the plans and adjacent properties and will advise the Planning Authority that a site meeting with all interested parties should take place before the plans proceed further.

MF/RW40.16.10 (4)

Baycliff Farm, Baycliff

Street Naming: ‘Bay View’


*The Council objected to the naming as there is an existing property in Baycliff called ‘Bay View’.



Lane End House, Leece

Single storey rear extension


11.             New Close, Newbiggin

No representatives from New Close were present to discuss the matter.  Postponed till the next meeting.

The Council agreed in principle that a donation towards the upgrading of New Close would be acceptable, on the condition that the road was subsequently adopted.

12.             Layby at Dove Cottage, Old Holbeck

Neither highways or the owner of Dove Cottage claim responsibility for the land, and the land registry has no record of it.  The Council agreed that the Clerk should write to the owner of Dove Cottage politely requesting a compromise. 

13.             To respond to the public consultation regarding bathing waters at Aldingham and Newbiggin

SLDC have suggested that Aldingham and Newbiggin should be removed from the designated bathing waters register as they are unsafe and little used.  The Parish Council have no objections to this, but agreed that the signs highlighting the dangers of the bay should remain and be maintained.

14.             Parish Plan Update

The first draft of the plan is almost complete.

15.             To agree on the installation of the noticeboard at Scales

The Clerk and Cllr Baumber met with Clive Dobson, chairman of Aldingham Parish Hall committee, and agreed that the new noticeboard should be free-standing adjacent to the front wall so that it could be viewed from the road. 

Andrew Thompson gave a quote of £95 for the work.  The Council agreed to this.

16.             Playground Updates, including discussion of resurfacing

Regulations for playground surfaces have recently changed, so that any fall under 1.5 metres can be grassed.  The Council agreed that this would be the best and most cost-effective option for all its playgrounds.  The information has been passed to Leece.  The Councillors requested a meeting with Peter Clarke of SLDC when he carries out the playground inspections; the Clerk will organise this. 

17.             To consider quotes for the Scales Crash barrier

Not all quotes had been received at the time of the meeting; the item was postponed until March’s meeting

18.             To discuss the creation of a Parish Newsletter

It was agreed that the newsletter should be used to show the achievements of the Council and how money is being spent.  It was also agreed that meeting dates should be included.  Cllr Southworth volunteered to put some ideas together.

19.             Update on the election of a new councillor

A vacancy notice has been posted on noticeboards around the parish and a copy sent to SLDC; a two week period follows in which the public can call an election.  A notice has been placed in the Tarn News and Evening Mail; no responses have been received yet. 

20.             Payment of Accounts

The following payments were agreed by the Council:

            Clerk’s Salary (February)                 £388.58

            Clerk’s Expenses to 31 Dec 09        £41.81

            Data Protection Fees                         £35

            Cllr Baumber, for telegraph poles   £20


            Scales Playground money                £3.05

21.             Correspondence

All noteable correspondence relates to items above.

22.             To receive items for the next agenda

Leece Carpark


New Close

Scales Crash Barrier

23.             To confirm that the next meeting of the Council will take place on Monday 1st March 2010 in Gleaston Village Hall, Gleaston at 7.15pm