Present:  Cllr Baumber, Cllr Butler, Cllr Clerey, Cllr Greaves, Cllr Park; Neil Whalley (Clerk), Janet Willis(CCC)


10/09/01          To receive apologies for absence

None were received.

10/09/02          To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 26th July 2010

The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

10/09/03          To receive declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda

None were received

10/09/04          Report from the Police Representative

PSCO Madden reminded the Council that No Cold Calling zones are a useful way to help protect vulnerable residents.  The Council asked if Trading Standards could send letters around the Parish to ask residents directly if they would be interested in taking part.

10/09/05          To receive comments from the public

None were received.

10/09/06          To discuss the problem of dog fouling at Roosebeck

A complaint was received from a Roosebeck resident about dog litter on the beach which prevented his children playing.  PCSO Madden has been in contact with SLDC’s enforcement officer and together they have agreed to patrol the area more regularly.  It is hoped that the installation of the new bin will help improve matters a little. 

10/09/07          To consider current planning applications

No new applications have been received this month.



Land at Whinnels, Greystone Lane

Agricultural Building

No objections received


Coachman’s Cottage, Baycliff

Extension & Internal alterations

No objections received





Greystones Cottages,Baycliff

2 Storey Rear Extension


10/09/08          To discuss the installation of a new directional sign for Riddings Lane

A letter was received from MP John Woodcock asking the Parish Council to support an application to install a directional sign for Gleaston on the Coast Road at Riddings Lane end.  The Parish Council agreed to support this.  Cllr Willis has offered to pay for the sign from her member’s allowance.

10/09/09          Reports from County and District Councillors

Cllr Willis explained the upcoming Better Highways scheme, which a small team of workmen will be responsible for maintaining a specific area of roads.  There are some issues which need to be worked out before the scheme comes into force.

Cllr Willis also gave an update on a number of highways issues in the Parish:

·         Aldingham/Scales junction – improvements to safety:  ordered 17th February 2010 but no further action

·         Chevrons at Scales Playground not yet ordered

·         Roosebeck ‘Please Drive Carefully’ signs not yet ordered

There was no mention of Roosebeck place name signs.

10/09/10          To agree representatives for the upcoming LAP meeting

Cllrs Greaves and Parks will be attending the meeting on 16th September.  Cllr Butler will try to make it.

10/09/11          Highways Tasklist

There were no new additions for the list.  The Highways Steward still hasn’t visited the Parish.

10/09/12          To sign the contract for the Parish Steward and produce a list of works

The contract was signed by Cllrs Greaves and Park and witnessed by Cllr Baumber.

The following jobs were suggested for the first month:

·         Repair guttering on shed at Scales

·         Clear vegetation around bus shelter, Newbiggin

·         Clear around bench at Mere Tarn

·         Cut back grass around kerb at bus stop, Baycliff

·         Paint seat in Newbiggin

·         Prune or remove sycamore tree growing behind shed at Scales

·         Fix stile on footpath near beck at Gleaston

The Steward will begin in the week commencing 13th September.  The Clerk will pass the Councillor’s contact details on so the Steward can contact them directly.

10/09/13          To futher discuss the creation of a Parish Paths Group

A number of responses have been received regarding the Parish Paths group and two members of the public were present.  It was suggested that any volunteers willing to join the group attend the next Parish Council meeting to discuss the formation of a group.

10/09/14          To view quotations for installing a litter bin at Roosebeck

A. Thompson gave a quote of £100 for the installation of the bin.  This was agreed by the Council.

10/09/15          To discuss the findings of SLDC’s Talk Toilets Consultation

The Council decided to defer any decision on their position regarding the toilets until Cllr Butler ascertained the position of the Church.

10/09/16          To respond to SLDC’s Review of Polling Districts

The Council agreed that the current arrangement is adequate.

10/09/17          Playground Updates, including a decision on Scales Playground equipment and a discussion of Leece Playground

The Council agreed to take the Pennines Playground’s offer to install the larger roundabout, particularly as the public have made such generous donations.

The Clerk has received no offers of help from residents of Leece.  The Council agreed that a final warning should be posted on the playground gate, noticeboard and in the Tarn News after which the playground will be closed.

10/09/18          Parish Newsletter

The September Newsletters were split between the Councillors for distribution.

10/09/19          To approve the annual return for 2009/10

The 2009/10 external audit was returned without any issues arising.  The Council were satisfied with the outcome and accepted the return.

10/09/20          Preliminary precept discussions and budget review

The following items were mooted as possibilities for next year’s budget:

·         Mower tractor, Scales

·         Laptop

·         Parish Steward

·         Leece Playground

·         Parish Paths Group, including waymarkers

10/09/21          To discuss a donation to New Close, Newbiggin

The Council agreed that the donation could be made under s137 and were satisfied that the £350 proposed donation was proportionate to the total £5,910.10 available under the scheme as it would improve the general look of the village. 

10/09/22          Review an insurance quotation for additional items

A quotation of £73.50 was obtained from Zurich to cover the following items:

·         Scales lawnmower @ £299

·         13 x benches @ £200 each

·         4 x picnic tables @ £175 each

This currently falls below the minimum additional mid-year payment and so will be added to next year’s premium.  The Council agreed to add these items to the cover.

A fifth picnic bench for Baycliff, priced £190, will also be added to the cover. 

10/09/23          To authorise payment of accounts

The following payments were authorised by the Council:

       BDO Ltd (External Audit)                              £158.63

       Glasdon UK (bin)                                            £135.73

       Andrew Thompson (Leece Carpark)            £460

       HSP Milner’s                                                   £55

  Clerk’s Salary (August and September)       £777.16

       SG Barker (Sandbags)                                   £392.16 (Pro Forma)

  N. Whalley (External Harddrive)                  £50

The following monies were received:

       Waddington (Pinfold Rent)                            £450

       Scales money                                                  £90.74

10/09/24          Correspondence

·         Letter from CCC regarding the change of bus timetables with laminated copies.  The Clerk will request more copies.

10/09/25          To receive items for the next meeting

·         Aldingham Toilets

·         Precept discussions

10/09/26          To confirm that the next meeting will be held on Monday 4th October in Gleaston Village Hall