Present: Cllr Baumber, Cllr Bulter, Cllr Clerey, Cllr Greaves, Cllr Park; Cllr Willis (CCC)

10/10/01     To receive apologies for absence

                     The Chairman was held up. Cllr Park was voted in as acting chair until his arrival. Cllr Airey and PCSO Helen Madden sent their apologies.

10/10/02     To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 9th September 2010

                     The minutes were agreed by the Council and signed by the Chair.

10/10/03     To receive declarations of interest from members regarding items on this agenda

                     None were received

10/10/04     Report from the Police representative

                     PSCO Madden had nothing to report.

10/10/05     To receive comments from the public

                  Two drains in on Riddings Lane in Gleaston are blocked and need attention. The Clerk will place this on the Highways Steward's list to look at.

                  The white lines on the junction at Scales Green need repainting. The Clerk will contact the Highways Engineer.

                  Two grit bins requested by Gleaston Village Hall and Green Committee have not arrived. The Clerk asked for the relevant information from the Committee's secretary.

                  A Gleaston resident suggested installing a drainage pipe on the Guards from Duke Street into an existing drainage ditch in the adjacent field. He has spoken to the landowners who would be willing in theory to allow such a measure. The Council were generally in favour of the idea, and Cllr Willis suggested passing the information on to her to gauge a response from Graeme Wheelhouse of Highways.

                  A letter was received from a Leece resident regarding the junction of Kiln Lane with the main Barrow-Gleaston road. The Council suggested that the covered sign for the junction be cleared by the Highways Steward.

10/10/06     To consider current planning applications


                  SL/2010/0599    Kelguards, Gleaston    Front Dormer               No Objection


                  SL/2010/0619    Land at Whinnels        Agricultural Building   Refused

10/10/07     To discuss the future of LeecePlayground

                     No members of the public were present for Leece. One resident contacted the Clerk prior to the meeting to offer their support.

                     The Council decided it had no further option but to permanently close the playground on the basis that public support was not sufficient to justify further action. The Council asked to Clerk to thank Zoe Sheeran for her efforts.

                     It was agreed that the space should be offered as an allotment. Notices will be placed asking residents to come forward before November's ordinary meeting.

10/10/08     To discuss the Parish Paths Group

                     Six residents attended the meeting and further offers of interest have been shown. The residents formed a group and Bob Mitchell volunteered to act as initial coordinator. The initial purpose of the group will be to survey the parish footpaths and collate information on problem areas. The Clerk will supply each member with a definitive map and survey form.

10/10/09     Reports from District and County Councillors

                     Nothing to report

10/10/10     Feedback from the recent LAP meeting

                     Cllrs who attended the meeting agreed that it had been more positive and action-based than previous meetings. Issues of the highest priority included roads, speeding and gritting.

10/10/11     To discuss SLDC's decision to close the toilets at Aldingham

                     No further information has been published by SLDC regarding the future of the toilets. This item was postponed until more is known.

10/10/12     To respond to CCC's spending consultation

The Council put forward the following points in response to the consultation document:

                  Which three services do you consider essential?

1.      Education

2.      Fire and rescue

3.      Highways

                  Are there services which are 'extras' which CCC could consider stopping? Magazines and PR material

                  Could any services be provided better by others? Public transport

                  Are there services which people could pay for, if they can afford it? Archives

                  Are there more cost-effective ways of providing services? Reduce bureaucracy and cut out the 'middle-man'. Use more common sense in administration and providing services. Stop expensive external consultation and make the most of 'in-house' staff. Get rid of Highways Stewards and replace with 'lengthsmen' who can tackle most jobs in the first instance.

10/10/13     To discuss improvements to Scales Bridleway

                     The main issues with the bridleway are large areas of mud and some overgrowth. It was agreed that the route would be surveyed properly as part of the Parish Paths Group and Countryside Access Team's surveys and that the best course of action could be decided after that.

10/10/14     Highways Tasklist

                  Drains near Sea Mill on Coast Road

                  Potholes at Gleaston

                  Drain by gate into Seawood

                  Placename sign needs cutting back, west end of Scales

                  Sign indicating Kiln Lane, Leece needs clearing

                  Cut back grass kerbs at Scales Green

                  Drains on Riddings Lane (see above)

10/10/15     Parish Steward List

                     The scheme appears to be working well so far. The following jobs were suggested for October:

                  Cut back Elder tree behind Newbiggin bus shelter

                  Clear beck at Baycliff

                  Clear path at Leece

                  Paint benches at Baycliff

                  Cut back hedge in Scales playground

                  Put more hardcore down at Leece Car Park

10/10/16     To discuss the improvements to Scales Playground

The plans for the playground have not yet been received for approval. The Council agreed to give Cllr Baumber the final say in approving the plans when they arrive.

10/10/17     Further playground updates

The BCA wish to purchase flagstones to put under a new bench. The Council agreed that that would be willing to pay for this in return for a donation from the BCA. The Council also agreed that it would pay for repairs to the lawn mower, as previously promised.

10/10/18     To discuss the terms for Leece Car Park licences

The terms of the current licence states that only one vehicle may be used per licence. The Council agreed that this was unnecessary and the terms have therefore been changed so that the licence is for the use of the space and not a vehicle.

10/10/19     The discuss the 2011/12 budget and precept

It was agreed that the budgetary discussions would be carried out at an extraordinary meeting to be held on 11th October 2010, 7.15pm in Gleaston Village Hall.

10/10/20     To authorise payment of accounts

The following payments were authorised by the Council:

                  Parish Steward Salary (Sept/Oct)                                   £188

                  Clerk's Expenses Jan-Oct 10 (including Laptop)           £434.12


                  Car Park rents (x 5)                    £250

                  Scales money                             £12.63

10/10/21     To arrange meeting dates for 2011

                     It was agreed to postpone this until next meeting.

10/10/22     Correspondence

                  'Look Out for your Right to Vote' posters to be put up around the parish

                  New Number 11 bus timetables

                  'Local News and Views' newsletter from CCC (with CD)

10/10/23     To receive items for the next agenda

                     None were received

10/10/24     To confirm the date of the next meeting

                     The next meeting of the Council will take place on Monday 11th October, 7.15pm at Gleaston Village Hall to discuss the budget.

                     The next ordinary meeting will take place on Monday 8th November.