1.                 Notice convening meeting

This was posted as normal.

2.                 Signing of the attendance register

This was signed by Cllrs Greaves (chairman), Southworth, Clerey, Park, Baumber, Round and Butler, the clerk Neil Whalley and three members of the public.

3.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from PSCO Helen Madden, District Cllr James Airey and County Cllr Janet Willis.

4.                 To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27th July 2009

This will be done at the next meeting.

5.                 To receive declarations of interest from the Councillors concerning items on this agenda

None were received.

6.                 Report from the Police representative

PSCO Madden was contacted prior to the meeting but had nothing to report.

7.                 To receive comments from the public (limited to 10 minutes)

Concern was raised over the large number of wildfowl now congregating on Leece Tarn, which have now become an environmental and health concern.  The Clerk will contact Environmental Health for advice and Furness Fishing association to see if they know anything about this.

The clerk was asked to check the current insurance cover regarding the bonfire at Leece to ensure that this year’s celebrations will comply.

The discussion regarding the future of Leece playground also took place under this item.  See item 12 below for details.

8.                 Parish Plan update

Neil Whalley reported that the flood plan has been incorporated into the draft action plan and work is underway on drafting the remaining document. 

9.                 Planning Applications

The following applications have been reviewed:


The Moorings, Goadsbarrow

Extension to garage

No comments received


Lyndene, Main St, Baycliff

Extensions & alterations

The above application has been resubmitted by SLDC as the initial cover letter stated the wrong address.  The Council’s consultation was for the correct address so no further consultation was deemed necessary.

The following notices were passed to the Council:


Land at New Close, Newbiggin




Sea View Coast Road, Newbiggin

Replacement garage



Pear Tree Cottage, Roosebeck

Front & Side Extenstions



Barn adjacent to Gleaston Hall, Gleaston

Conversion to be named ‘Green Lane Barn’

10.             Highways and Footpath matters

The permit for the dog litter bin at Newbiggin signed at the last minute states that only approved contractors are permitted to erect the bin.  Cllr Southworth suggested contacting Andrew Thompson regarding this, the Clerk will follow this up.

Following the comments about the bridleway at Scales raised in September’s meeting, a letter was sent to all adjacent landholders requesting a resolution.  Several responses were received suggesting that the Highways Agency had previously been responsible for maintaining the bridleway.  Some attempts have since been made to clear the overgrown hedges.   

The Clerk also contacted CCC regarding the issue.  A response was received from Guy Timperley at Capita Symonds, who gave the following advice:

§         Bridleways are highways and as such are the responsibility of the Highways Agency

§         The Agency should clear ground vegetation but hedges are the responsibility of the landholder

§         Vehicles are not permitted to use bridleways, except for access.  Any damage caused by vehicles is unlawful and must be repaired by the user.

The Parish is scheduled for a survey next year and any necessary repair work will be carried out if it is deemed financially viable.  The Clerk will contact Mr Timperley with the information the Council has received.

Cllr Clerey informed the Council of the intended locations for the Roosebeck place name signs.  It was agreed that the first sign should be positioned on the LA12 post code boundary and the second beside the current 50mph signs to the north of the settlement.  The Clerk will contact John Bell at Capita Symonds with the details.  A request for a reduction in the speed limit will also be put forward.

No response has yet been received regarding the Newbiggin ‘no through route’ sign or the Baycliff layby – these will continue to be pursued.

It was suggested by Cllr Butler that the original agreement for the bus shelter at Newbiggin included a condition that SLDC would pave the area in front.  This has never been carried out.  The Clerk will consult the agreement and follow up the issue with SLDC as appropriate.

The Highways steward is still in contact with Cllr Southworth.

11.             To receive reports, not included in the above, items from the County and District Councillors

No comments were received from Cllrs Willis or Airey. 

The issue of Aldingham toilets is now being discussed between Cllr Airey and Aldingham PCC.  They will inform us of any developments in this area.

12.             Leece Playground

Following September’s meeting Cllr Southworth delivered a leaflet to each household in Leece requesting support for the playground.  Four responses were received prior to the meeting; three were in favour of keeping the playground and two of those made offers of support in maintaining the area.  One response suggested that the playground is little used and that the facility might be made into allotments or parking spaces.

Three Leece residents were present at the meeting and wished to show their support for retaining the play area.  Cllr Southworth gave a summary of the current situation, stating that the equipment was quickly becoming unsafe and will require costly refurbishment.  The Chairman suggested that the Leece residents form a committee with a view to raising funds and maintaining the play area.  The residents present agreed to do this and get back to the Council once the committee had been formed. 

13.             Playground updates

No comments were received.  The possibility of resurfacing some of the playgrounds with a rubber ‘bark’ was discussed but no decisions made.

14.             Leece Car Park update

Mr Troughton was offered the contract for the drainage work at Leece but was unwilling to take out the requisite public liability insurance due to its cost.  The Chairman has contacted Andrew Greaves about undertaking the work and it should get underway as soon as Mr Greaves is able.

15.             Noticeboards

The noticeboards were ordered from Slingsby Ltd and arrived on Wednesday 23rd September.  However, due to an error by Slingsby the boards were unsuitable as external noticeboards and had to be returned.  Payment had not been made so the matter is now closed. 

The Council agreed to purchase six of the following from from Sign Holders:  Series 50 Cork noticeboard, size 9x A4 sheets, product code CNB50.9A4 at £162 each.  The Clerk will order these as soon as possible.

16.             Accounts

The following payments were authorised by the Council:

Clerk’s salary September                                         £388.58

HS Milners for 100 Leaflets (paid by Clerk)           £5.00

Cost of 3 books of stamps (paid by Clerk)              £12.96

Russell Ruston, for Baycliff petrol                           £21.70


Scales Playground donations                                   £4.36

The Council agreed to a request from SLDC to have their 2010 precept paid via BACS.

17.             2010 Budget – preliminary discussion

The Council has agreed to hold a meeting on Thursday 8th October to discuss the budget in detail.  The location is to be arranged.

18.             Correspondence

All relevant correspondence has been dealt with above.

19.             To receive agenda items for the next meeting

This will take place at the budget meeting. 

20.             To confirm that the next meeting of Aldingham Parish Council will be held in Gleaston Village Hall on Monday 9th November 2009 at 7.15pm
