1.                  Election of Chair.

The clerk noted that there were only three Councillors present which constituted a quorum for normal Council business but not enough for a fair vote for a Chair.  The Standing Orders made no contingency for such an eventuality.  The clerk advised that the elections should be held over until the June meeting so that the quorum could attend to important business such as ensuring the Council is insured for the forthcoming year.  The Councillors agreed to this advice as Councillor Greaves had been voted into the Chair in March and they felt that the will of the Council would not have altered substantially since then.  Business continued as per the rest of the agenda.

2.                  Election of Vice-Chair.

See item 1.

3.                  Notice convening meeting.

This was posted as required.

4.                  Signing of the attendance register.

The attendance register was signed by Cllrs. Greaves, Park and Butler; by the clerk, Simon Taylor; by PCSO Helen Madden; and three members of the public.

5.                  Apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Baumber and Southworth, who were both on holiday.  Cllr. Cooper was finding it difficult to balance the position of Councillor with her commitments at home.  She gave apologies for this meeting and gave verbal notice of resignation to Cllr. Butler before the meeting.

Dist. Cllr. Airey also gave his apologies and asked to be notified of any item that he could assist with.

6.                  To sign as a correct record the minutes of meeting held on 20th April 2009.

Cllr. Park noticed an error in item 20.  Sea Wood should read Sea Mill.  With this error amended, the minutes were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair.

7.                  To receive Declarations of Interest from the Councillors concerning items on this agenda.

None were received.

8.                  Report from the police representative.

PCSO Helen Madden reported the following items to the meeting:

§         There have been recent problems with commercial burglaries in the area.  Leece is the only village affected in this parish.  The Police are continuing their investigations and are working with the communities to encourage neighbourhood watch schemes and other community-based schemes to prevent further occurrences.

§         The Police recognise that certain people’s behaviour at the toilets at Aldingham poses a continuing problem.  They are liaising with SLDC with a view to finding a solution but there’s little the Police can do independently.  They don’t have the resources to mount a prolonged observation operation or anything similar.  If the pubic sees any suspicious behaviour in the area then they should contact the Police immediately.

§         PCSO Madden has taken speed radar training and raised the possibility of doing some speed testing in the Parish.  She can’t issue a ticket to speeding motorists but can do speed checks with volunteers from the community and write to motorists who are caught driving over the speed limit.

9.                  To receive comments from the Public (Limited to 10 minutes).

No comments received.

10.              Parish Plan

Neil Whalley reported that the Parish Plan committee were finding it difficult to analyse the data received from the questionnaire efficiently.  The committee would continue to analyse the data and produce their findings to the Council as soon as possible.  Neil also stated that the committee had proposed that a limited run of hard copies should be made of the finished initial plan as well as running the online version of it.  This would be looked into by the committee.  The clerk said that once he’d been replaced, he would be willing to volunteer to help with website development and design of the finished plan.

11.              Planning.

The clerk reported on the number of planning applications during 2008/09.  The Parish Council received a total of 23 applications to comment on.  These break down as follows:

§         18 applications permitted

§         1 refused

§         0 withdrawn

§         1 unresolved

§         3 property re-naming applications.

Applications received:-

SL/2009/0324 – Pennick, Low Barn, Main Street, Baycliff – Cladding and increase height of garage.

Cllr. Greaves already has this application and will give comments to the clerk.

SL/2009/0378 – Cook, Ashgate, Coast Road, Baycliff – Front conservatory.

Cllr. Greaves already has this application and reported no objection to the application.

SL/2009/0368 – White, 3 Post Office Row, Gleaston – Rear single storey extension.

Cllr. Butler took this application and will report comments to the clerk.

Two decisions were also received from SLDC.

SL/2009//0130 – Land at Gleaston – Agricultural building for housing sheep and erection of hen hut.

            Permitted with three conditions.

SL/2009/0123 – Tarnside Farm, Leece – Erection of milking parlour and collection pen.

            Permitted with two conditions.

12.              Highways and footpath matters.

The Council agreed to hold over this item until June’s meeting.

13.              Disposal of items currently in lay-by on A5087 leaving Baycliff towards Ulverston.

The clerk has received an e-mail from Simon Fawcett at SLDC responding to correspondence from Baycliff residents about development on farm land in the village.  The e-mail includes the items in the lay-by and other planning issues connected with the same subject – SLDC are actively dealing with all of these planning issues.  The Council agreed to leave the matter with SLDC. 

14.              To receive reports not included in the above items from the County and District Councillors.

No report received from either Dist. or County Councillor.

15.              Chairman’s report to the Annual Meeting 2008/09.

The Chair’s report for this year is appended to these minutes.

16.              Handyman.

The clerk reported that he had told Crest Recruitment that the Council no longer wanted Mr. Davis to do work for them.  A replacement has been found in John Haggerty from Gleaston.  Mr. Haggerty was at the meeting and confirmed that he’d met with Cllr. Southworth at Leece playground.  He’d noticed that some people had been travelling around the area on quad bikes, spraying to kill unwanted grasses.  Mr. Haggerty suggested that if possible the Council should find out who has organised this and ask them to spray the barked areas of the playgrounds to kill off the grass/weeds growing beneath the barked areas.  If this isn’t possible then he can spray the bark – he has the requisite licence to use chemicals of this type but it would require the purchase of materials and other things that would be unnecessary for this type of job.   The clerk will contact both SLDC and Cumbria Highways to make enquires about spraying.  Cllr. Southworth has also given the clerk a list of suggestions based on the meeting at Leece.  The clerk will look into this and liaise with Mr. Haggerty as required.

17.              Playground updates– including bark at Scales and Leece playgrounds.

As there were only three Councillors present, it was agreed that the discussion and decision about bark would be held over until the June meeting.

The clerk reported that he’d received the invoice from Armers for the servicing of the ride-on mower at Baycliff and for the purchase of a new hand mower for Baycliff.  Cllr. Park gave the clerk a cheque for the new mower on behalf of Baycliff Community Association – this will be reported under Accounts at item 22.

The clerk also said that the repairs at the playground at Scales must be completed by the planting of a replacement mature rowan tree.  He has already spoken with A. Thompson who has indicated that he is available to do this work.  The Council agreed that the work should be done as soon as possible.

18.              Appointing a new Councillor.

The Council now have two candidates for co-option on to the Council.  Again, as there were only three Councillors present, this item will be held over until June when both candidates will be offered a co-opted seat on the Council.

19.              Appointing a new Clerk.

The clerk said he planned to use the advert that the Council ran last time but with a closing date for applications of Monday 29th June and interviews on Thursday 2nd July.  This advert would run in the Tarn News, in CALC publications, and would be seen in the Jobcentre.  The Councillors present all confirmed that they would be available for these dates.  The clerk will liaise with the other Councillors as and when they return.

20.              Liaison with Urswick Parish Council.

This is a standing item on the agenda.  The clerk had nothing to report other than David Foot has resigned as their clerk and that Urswick PC’s Annual Meeting would be on Thursday 21st May at 7.15pm.

21.              To review the Council’s insurance cover.

The clerk reported that he had two quotes for insurance services for 2009 / 10.  One from Allianz (the current insurers) for £1190.91; and another from Tennyson Insurance (in conjunction with Zurich Insurance) for £1117.46.

The clerk had studied both quotes and advised to choose Tennyson Insurance based on price, the level of cover offered and the fact that they did not expect the Council to be tied-in for a number of years as Allianz did.  The Council voted to choose Tennyson Insurance.  The cheque would be raised at item 22.

22.              Accounts.

The following accounts were approved for payment by the Council.

§         To Tennyson Insurance Ltd for insurance 2009/10                                        £1117.46

§         To Henry Armer & Son for new mower and mower servicing                       £469.94

§         To Mike Phipps for 2008/09 internal audit services                                        £57.50

§         To Gleaston Watermill for Annual Meeting refreshments                              £9.50

§         Clerk’s May salary                                                                                           £388.58

The following monies were received.

§         From Baycliff Community Association                                                           £263.00

23.              Update on the 2008/09 Audit.

The clerk read the report from Mike Phipps.  The Council is operating well per its own Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment but should be aware of the amount insured as Fidelity Guarantee – this has been addressed with the 2009 / 10 insurance, fidelity cover will be set at £25,000 with Tennyson Insurance.  The report also notes that the issue of the lifebelt at Leece has yet to be resolved.

24.              To review the Council’s Risk Assessment.

The clerk reported that the accident book has arrived and a formal accident reporting procedure must be in place and advertised for it to be effective.  The Clerk suggested that the clerk should hold the book as a central point; and, at each playground, a notice is printed, laminated and put up.  These notices should contain the following information:

1.      The name and contact details of the nominated Councillor for that village/ward, and

2.      The contact details of the clerk.

The Council voted to consider this and vote on it at the next meeting.

Cllr. Butler reiterated that she has a lifebelt to be installed at Leece.

25.              Correspondence.

Various pieces of correspondence have been received including:-

·         There is to be a training course for the “New or Aspiring Chairman” held by CALC at Gilpin Bridge Hotel at Levens, on Wednesday 10th June from 6.30 until 9.00pm.  The cost is £18.00.

·         Notification from Cumbria County Council re: the modification of a public right of way at Newbiggin near Sea Wood.

·         The clerk’s resignation.  The clerk has already let the Council know that he intends to move out of the area and tendered his resignation at the meeting.  The Council accepted and will begin the process of appointing a new clerk.


26.              To receive items for the next agenda.

·         Road markings.

·         Appointing a new Councillor.

·         Appointing a new Clerk.

·         Bark at Scales and Leece playgrounds.

·         Handyman.

·         Risk assessment.

·         Confirm the dates of future meetings.

27.              To confirm that the next meeting of Aldingham Parish Council will be held in Gleaston Village Hall on Monday 22nd June at 7.15pm.





The children’s play areas:


Scales, Leece and Baycliff are all in fantastic condition – thanks to all of the people who help in cutting the grass and inspecting the play equipment.  Without their help, our play areas would be in a poor state.  The play areas are inspected each year by SLDC inspectors and all received a pass with only some light repairs required.


Planning applications:


We have received 23 planning applications for this Parish.  Each application is examined by a Councillor responsible for their particular ward.  This Councillor will pass their findings to the full Council, who will then send comments to SLDC’s planning department.


Council achievements:


This year we had a bus shelter installed at Newbiggin and a dog litter bin will be erected there this year on the shore side.  A resident of Newbiggin has offered to empty it on a regular basis!!


We are also grateful to Ulverston and Low Furness Neighbourhood Forum for their grant of £750 to help pay for new notice-boards across the Parish, which should be put up this coming year.




Crime in the Parish is almost nil (tonight’s Police report notwithstanding!!).  The Police are represented as most of our meetings by PCSO Helen Madden.  The Council would like to thank her and the Police for their continued support.


Parish Plan:


The Parish Plan is on-going with the help of Neil Whalley and his team of Tifany Battersby, Dave Allan and Councillors Carol Park, Janet Butler and Alison Baumber – our thanks go to all of them.


More thanks:


Thank you to all of the Councillors for all of their help and continued commitment over the year, remembering that all of their time is given for free.  You won’t see any of us in the press for ill use of expenses as we don’t take a penny in payment from Council funds.


We have to thank our retiring Chair, Vicky Brereton, for her help and dedication during her tenure.  She will be remembered for many things including her steadfastness and fairness – we hope she enjoys her retirement.


Finally, thank you to our clerk, Simon, for keeping us in line.  He has been a great help but is, unfortunately, due to be leaving the area.  Thank you Simon and we hope all goes well for you and your wife.