1.                  Notice convening meeting.

This was posted as normal.

2.                  Signing of the attendance register.

The attendance register was signed by Cllrs. Greaves, Southworth, Park, Baumber and Butler; by the clerk, Simon Taylor; Dist. Cllr. James Airey; County Cllr. Janet Willis; and three members of the public.

3.                  Apologies for absence.

No apologies received.

4.                  Appointing a new Councillor.

As per the minutes of the May meeting, this item was held over until the full Council could meet.  Cllr. Cooper has given verbal notice to resign and the clerk has asked her to write to him to confirm this.  The Council are seeking two new Councillors.  As there are only two interested persons for these positions, the Council voted to co-opt Mavis Clerey and William Round as new Councillors.  The vote was carried nem. con.

5.                  To sign as a correct record the minutes of meeting held on 16th March 2009.

The minutes were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair.

6.                  To receive Declarations of Interest from the Councillors concerning items on this agenda.

None were received.

7.                  Report from the police representative.

No report was received from PCSO Madden.  The clerk was asked to contact PCSO Madden about activity at Aldingham toilets, the unauthorised parking at Leece car park, and about the crash barrier at Scales.

8.                  To receive comments from the Public (Limited to 10 minutes).

No comments received.

9.                  Parish Plan

No report was received from Neil Whalley.  No meeting had taken place since the last Council meeting – the next Parish Plan committee meeting was due on 21st April.

10.              Planning.

The clerk gave three planning decisions to the meeting.

SL/2008/0852 – Baycliff Farm, Sunbrick Lane, Baycliff – Permitted with 27 conditions

SL/2009/0324 – Low Barn, Main Street, Baycliff – Permitted


11.              Highways and footpath matters.

The Council discussed the dog litter bin at Newbiggin.  The clerk reported that he’d spoken with Cumbria County Council re: the siting of the bin – they need to give written permission for the bin to be installed on the shoreline at Newbiggin.  The clerk has this in hand.

The clerk also stated that he’d asked Graeme Wheelhouse to chase up the outstanding problems with chevrons and signs at Scales; and the playground signs at Baycliff.

Reports of resurfacing work at Newbiggin were received.  The clerk was asked to contact SLDC or CCC to find out the frequency of road sweeping at Newbiggin.

12.              To receive reports not included in the above items from the County and District Councillors.

No report received but both District and County Councillors were present.  They both expressed their intent to work together to benefit the Parish despite any perceived differences in their political affiliation.


13.              To review the current situation on the tasks for the handyman.

The Council discussed the possibility of weed killing work being done by CCC.  The clerk reported that the people doing the weed spraying are only contracted to work on the highways and cannot deviate from this.

The clerk reported that he had attempted to contact Mr. Haggarty but had not yet received a reply.  The clerk was asked to discuss the car park repairs with him and to look into doing a services survey on the area of the car park entrance.  It was estimated that the re-surfacing would take about 1 tonne of aggregate.  It would also require the use of a digger with an attendant – Cllr. Greaves’s son would be able to provide such hire services and would provide a quote.

14.              Playground updates – including bark requirements for playgrounds.

The Councillors have each looked into the requirements for the three playgrounds.  Bark orders will follow in due course.  It was suggested that the weeds in the barked areas in the playgrounds could be sprayed prior to the delivery of new bark.

The clerk reported that the replacement mature tree would have to be held over until November to ensure that the new tree would “take” properly.

15.              Summer fetes and parties – requirements for Council owned land.

No other remedial work was required for this summer’s fetes.

16.              Liaison with Urswick Parish Council.

This is a standing item on the agenda.  The clerk had nothing to report except that Mrs. Sankey had been reported as the new clerk to Urswick Parish Council.

17.              Highway Steward.

No reply from Rob Lawley as yet.  This item to remain on the agenda for monitoring.

18.              Accounts.

The following accounts were approved for payment by the Council.

To G Hopkins for petrol for Scales mower                                                     £10.00

To R McKenna for petrol for Scales mower                                                   £20.61

Clerk’s June salary                                                                                         £388.58

The following monies were received.

Scales collection box                                                                                      £18.14

19.              To receive an update on the 2008/09 Audit.

The clerk reported that the audit papers have now been sent to BDO Stoy Hayward following the end of the period of public notice.

20.              To review the Council’s Risk Assessment.

The Council discussed options regarding accident reporting procedures.  It was agreed that the clerk should hold the accident book, and each playground should display a notice that would contain the contact details of the clerk, a nominated Councillor for that village, and contact details for the emergency services.

The Council also agreed that the handyman should be contacted re: the lifebelt at Leece.  It should be installed with the aid of a T-bar with a length of rope – the rope would be obtained by Cllr. Baumber.

21.              Appointing a new clerk.

The Council discussed the logistics of sifting through applications and interviewing for the new clerk.  Cllr. Park offered to host a meeting on Monday 27th June where all of the Council will discuss the applications.  The Council agreed to this meeting.  The clerk confirmed that Gleaston Hall was booked for interviews on Thursday 2nd July.  The Council agreed a timetable for interviews beginning at 6pm.

22.              Correspondence.

Various pieces of correspondence have been received including:-

·         Information regarding Public Sector equality duties.  This should be discussed in greater depth at a future meeting.

·         Notification from Cumbria County Council re: the modification of a public right of way at Newbiggin near Sea Wood.

·         The clerk’s resignation.  The clerk has already let the Council know that he intends to move out of the area and tendered his resignation at the meeting.  The Council accepted and will begin the process of appointing a new clerk.


23.              To receive items for the next agenda.

·         Handyman.

·         Playground updates.

·         Noticeboards.

·         Appointing a new clerk.

24.              To confirm that the next meeting of Aldingham Parish Council will be held in Gleaston Village Hall on Monday 27th July, 2009 at 7.15p.m.
